
WEBサイトのスクリーンショットを作るワザ – qazqaz notehttp://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/WEBサイトのスクリーンショット(サムネイル画像)を作成するサービスを以前に紹介しましたが、独自のサービスとして運用が出来そうなモノを見つけました♪

wkhtmltopdf – Convert html to pdf using webkit (qtwebkit)



wkhtmltoimage --height 600 --width 1024 --quality 50 https://qazqaz.net/ snapshot.jpg


#wkhtmltoimage -H
wkhtmltoimage 0.10.0 rc2
wkhtmltoimage [OPTIONS]... <input file> <output file>
Converts an HTML page into an image,
General Options:
--allow <path>                  Allow the file or files from the specified
folder to be loaded (repeatable)
--checkbox-checked-svg <path>   Use this SVG file when rendering checked
--checkbox-svg <path>           Use this SVG file when rendering unchecked
--cookie <name> <value>         Set an additional cookie (repeatable)
--cookie-jar <path>             Read and write cookies from and to the
supplied cookie jar file
--crop-h <int>                  Set height for croping
--crop-w <int>                  Set width for croping
--crop-x <int>                  Set x coordinate for croping
--crop-y <int>                  Set y coordinate for croping
--custom-header <name> <value>  Set an additional HTTP header (repeatable)
--custom-header-propagation     Add HTTP headers specified by
--custom-header for each resource request.
--no-custom-header-propagation  Do not add HTTP headers specified by
--custom-header for each resource request.
--debug-javascript              Show javascript debugging output
--no-debug-javascript           Do not show javascript debugging output
--encoding <encoding>           Set the default text encoding, for input
-H, --extended-help                 Display more extensive help, detailing
less common command switches
-f, --format <format>               Output file format (default is jpg)
--height <int>                  Set screen height (default is calculated
from page content) (default 0)
-h, --help                          Display help
--htmldoc                       Output program html help
--images                        Do load or print images (default)
--no-images                     Do not load or print images
-n, --disable-javascript            Do not allow web pages to run javascript
--enable-javascript             Do allow web pages to run javascript
--javascript-delay <msec>       Wait some milliseconds for javascript
finish (default 200)
--load-error-handling <handler> Specify how to handle pages that fail to
load: abort, ignore or skip (default
--disable-local-file-access     Do not allowed conversion of a local file
to read in other local files, unless
explecitily allowed with --allow
--enable-local-file-access      Allowed conversion of a local file to read
in other local files. (default)
--manpage                       Output program man page
--minimum-font-size <int>       Minimum font size
--password <password>           HTTP Authentication password
--disable-plugins               Disable installed plugins (default)
--enable-plugins                Enable installed plugins (plugins will
likely not work)
--post <name> <value>           Add an additional post field (repeatable)
--post-file <name> <path>       Post an additional file (repeatable)
-p, --proxy <proxy>                 Use a proxy
--quality <int>                 Output image quality (between 0 and 100)
(default 94)
--radiobutton-checked-svg <path> Use this SVG file when rendering checked
--radiobutton-svg <path>        Use this SVG file when rendering unchecked
--readme                        Output program readme
--run-script <js>               Run this additional javascript after the
page is done loading (repeatable)
-0, --disable-smart-width           Use the specified width even if it is not
large enough for the content
--stop-slow-scripts             Stop slow running javascripts (default)
--no-stop-slow-scripts          Do not Stop slow running javascripts
--transparent                   Make the background transparent in pngs
--user-style-sheet <url>        Specify a user style sheet, to load with
every page
--username <username>           HTTP Authentication username
-V, --version                       Output version information an exit
--width <int>                   Set screen width (default is 1024)
(default 1024)
--window-status <windowStatus>  Wait until window.status is equal to this
string before rendering page
--zoom <float>                  Use this zoom factor (default 1)
Specifying A Proxy:
By default proxy information will be read from the environment variables:
proxy, all_proxy and http_proxy, proxy options can also by specified with the
-p switch
<type> := "http://" | "socks5://"
<serif> := <username> (":" <password>)? "@"
<proxy> := "None" | <type>? <sering>? <host> (":" <port>)?
Here are some examples (In case you are unfamiliar with the BNF):
